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李曾中 《湖泊科学》2003,15(Z1):205-209
本文对汛期长江流域特大暴雨及洪涝成因进行了分析,认为与越赤道气流异常及受"非亚支宏观气流系统"的影响有关.同时指出,长江流域的特大暴雨及洪涝灾害不但可以预测,并且能够采取措施予以减弱.  相似文献   
现用前兆地磁处理软件的基线值计算功能不完善,导致观测结果滞后,从而制约了台站接收数据的及时性,影响了观测员补测时间的安排.该软件从根本上解决的接收数据的滞后性,能够及时了解观测结果,提高DI仪观测精度,减少观测次数,从而提高观测资料的内在质量.  相似文献   
冬瓜山铜矿是长江中下游成矿带铜陵矿集区内的一个大型铜矿.该矿床被惯称为矽卡岩型矿床,但具明显的层控特征.主矿体呈层状、似层状,赋存于上石炭统碳酸盐建造与下伏上泥盆统砂岩建造的接触带附近,主要由一系列层控块状含铜硫化物透镜体、含铜矽卡岩透镜体、磁铁矿矿囊以及层状含铜黄铁矿-蛇纹石矿席组成.主矿体的底部为根植于上泥盆统砂岩...  相似文献   
大连小龙街边坡原始地貌陡峭,高差45.28m,由于上覆残积土及后期在建筑施工中堆积了大量的杂填土,在地表水与地下水浸泡作用下,土体失稳,产生类似泥石流性质的滑坡,毁坏原山坡走梯及下部挡墙,造成人员、住宅及财产损失。本文在大连小龙街滑坡治理工程设计时,重点考虑了滑坡的发生机理、治理工程场地施工条件、建筑美学及原有下水管线、走梯等修复工作,采用土石方清理,滑坡前缘一、二级锚拉钢筋混凝土板墙,滑坡中部花坛及走梯,滑坡后缘一、二级钢筋混凝土柱板墙,排水工程和绿化工程六部分进行施工,效果较好。可供相似城区地质灾害治理工程参考。  相似文献   
Hydrogen sulfide dissolved in surface seawater is distributed into free forms which include the volatile neutral H2S and its conjugate anions, and also into a set of involatile metal complexes. Calculation of the sulfide fraction capable of supporting sea-air flux is sensitive to large uncertainties in complexation equilibrium relationships, both for the sulfides themselves, and for organic ligands competing with them to coordinate dissolved copper. Saturation can be achieved relative to the troposphere if metal interactions are minimized, or if strong sulfide binders are titrated.  相似文献   
Exploration successes for volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, such as Kudz Ze Kayah, Wolverine and Fyre Lake in the Yukon–Tanana Terrane and Slide Mountain Terrane (southern Yukon Territory) have spurred interest in the correlative rocks in the Big Salmon Complex in northern British Columbia. In an effort to further the utility of multi-media stream geochemistry in exploration frontiers that are forested, heavily drift covered, or buried, the primary streams of 19 watersheds from the East Teslin Lake (National Topographic System (NTS): 104N/9, 16) and Teh Creek areas (NTS: 104O/11, 12, 13, 14) of the Big Salmon Complex were analyzed for Cu, Pb, and Zn and other parameters in the dissolved load, suspended load and bed load. Traditionally, exploration based on stream geochemistry has employed the bed load and more recently the dissolved load chemistry, but almost never the suspended load despite strong differences in the geochemical signatures of the three media. Here, we document that copper, lead, and zinc partition into the dissolved, suspended, and bed loads differently and that the magnitude of anomalies is different for each media. The adsorbing capacity of the suspended load may make it a more sensitive indicator of mineral deposits on a regional basis than either the trace-element-poor dissolved load or the bulk-rock-diluted bed load which are likely better indicators of local mineralization. It is clear that each phase contributes unique information about the distribution of elements in the watershed that could be considered in exploration models.We also show that summing standardized element concentrations and summing the sums across media appears to be an effective method to reduce the data without loss of important information. We likewise investigated the utility of calculating major element normalized enrichments for exploration and find that it is a promising approach.  相似文献   
归纳了地质流体力学研究中目前常用的三个基础理论,即双扩散对流理论,边界层理论和相似理论,重点总结了其在岩浆岩石学、成矿学、地球物理学及沉积岩石学等研究领域内的进展。  相似文献   
本文结合野外地质调查和有关的低温硫化物相平衡实验结果,对黔西南、桂北地区的浅成低温热液浸染型金矿床中与金共(伴)生的硫化物矿物组合、地球化学特征及其成矿作用机制进行了综合分析研究。研究表明,与金矿化共(伴)生的砷、锑、汞和铊等地球化学指示元素及其矿物组合不仅具有成生方面的联系,而且可以作为寻找金的一种特征的标型标志。  相似文献   
四川盆地中二叠统茅口组存在丰富的热液流体活动。在野外剖面和岩心观察的基础上,利用多种分析测试方法,对四川盆地东部茅口组碳酸盐岩中的热液活动特征进行了探讨。研究区茅口组热液活动包括2类,一类为硅质热液,表现为薄层硅质岩或硅质团块;另一类为碳酸盐型热液,表现为粗晶方解石和白云石充填在张性构造裂缝中或呈“雪片状”集合体,偶见少量黄铁矿、闪锌矿等金属硫化物伴生。硅质岩主量元素之间的关系表明硅质来源具有多样性,是热液硅与壳源硅的混合;黄铁矿、闪锌矿原位S同位素 δ34S 介于-3.91‰~-6.87‰之间,推测可能受到了微生物和基性岩浆岩的双重影响;方解石脉和具鞍状双晶的白云石脉普遍具有CaO高于标准计量、相对富Sr和U、贫REE和Ti、Ce/Ce*明显负异常、Eu/Eu*主体正异常、Y正异常等特征,表明碳酸盐脉为热液活动的产物,流体来源也呈现出火山活动相关流体与富钙地下水混合的特点。闪锌矿富集Ge和Cd,Zn/Cd及Zn/Fe值反映了中等成矿温度。硅质岩和碳酸盐流体包裹体均一温度变化范围较大,介于54.7~294.3 ℃之间,与稀土元素和微量元素比值所揭示的特征吻合。研究结果表明,穿层状硅质结核和团块的首次出现往往标志着茅口组热液活动的开始,而张性构造裂缝和碳酸盐型热液活动带来的围岩白云化作用则有效地改善了白云岩储集层的物性。  相似文献   
微生物矿化产生的超顺磁性(SP)磁铁矿是沉积物和土壤中磁性矿物的重要来源.本文比较了三个不同温度下(20℃,30℃,37℃)纯培养铁还原细菌Shewanella putre aciens CN32还原水合氧化铁形成SP磁铁矿的矿化特征.在实验体系中加入细菌CN32后,体系的氧化还原电位Eh迅速下降,酸碱度pH和亚铁离子...  相似文献   
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